Thursday, January 7, 2010

Protein Bars Recipe

A few people have asked about a recipe and nutritional information for my homemade protein bars, so here you go:

1/2 cup dry oats
1/2 cup oat flour (use a low carb flour if you are trying to cut back on carbs like almond, coconut, flaxseed or soy flour)
6 TB protein powder
2 TB flax seeds
1 cup dry milk
1/2 cup cocoa or carob powder
1/2 cup chocolate or carob chips (you can get grain sweetened choc chips from the health food store that are much lower in sugar)
5 TB nut butter (use chunky if you like a crunchy texture)
1 tsp vanilla
2 TB liquid sweetener (honey, rice syrup, agave)
water to mix

You can also add anything else you like or deem healthy. Ingredients I have used are: lecithin, green powder, stevia (if you use stevia, you can cut down on, or cut out, the sweetener altogether).

Mix dry ingredients and then add wet. Mixture should be stiff, but still stick together. Place in a loaf pan and put in the fridge to harden. You could also roll into balls and coat with coconut, seeds, etc.

Approximate nutrition for 12 servings:

200 calories
9 g fat
20 g carbs
3 g fiber
10 g sugar
11 g protein

This is very filling, so a little goes a long way.
It tastes like healthy fudge.

To calculate the nutritional information, I used Go under "recipes" and then "new recipe." You can enter in any ingredients and it will give you all of the nutritional values.

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